Friday, 16 October 2015

Some days ago I went out of the city to visit my friend Agustín (un mundo maravilloso). He lives close to the fields. We made pizza and drunk tea. Then, we had a walk, we went to the fields, to collect flowers in a basket, we saw beautiful landscapes and trees and a beautiful sunset.
(Soon I'll post photographs from that walk!)

 I made this handrawn envelope that I will send far away.

 Memories from winter. I love the sea when its cold and lonely.

 My friend Agustín showed to me his beautiful stamps collection <3

He drunk chamomile tea and gifted to me some dried chamomiles.

"Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."
- Oscar Wilde


  1. Wow, your handrawn envelope is so beautifutl. And Agustin must be a special person.
    I love Autumn!

    1. Thank you so much! ♥ Yes, he is! he takes beautiful photographs.
      And I love autumn too! the season I was born :)

  2. Sol Anna, I'am ashamed of my English, but I have to write this: I admire delicacy of your photographs, this atmosphere and I love watching your Flickr account.
    I'am really sorry for my bad English :)
    I wish you all good things! (I hope this is good form ;) <3

    1. Oh, you're so sweet! Don't worry, I understood perfectly! your english is good!
      thank you so much ♥ I'm happy to read that! I love your photographs too <3
      best wishes for you! :)

  3. Oh! I'm happy you like my blog and find it inspiring.. ♥ :)
    Yours look very nice! I like the banner :)
    Good luck!


Thank you for your comment and for looking at my photos! ♥